Thursday, December 25, 2008

Trusting Beyond Faith

"I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the darkness." John 12:46 NLT

What an inspiration Jesus gave to each of us if we will TRUST in Him. I found that faith and trust are not the same thing. For several months He asked, "Do you trust me?" Flippantly I answered, "Of course I do." This back and forth went on for a while. One day I realized I wasn't giving God the right answer. Finally I inquired, "what do you mean, trust?"

Searching the scriptures, especially in Psalms, trust and faith are not used interchangeably but quite separately. Then the Holy Spirit gave me a beautiful explanation. I pray that it will be a help to you in your daily walk of pressing forward towards the goal "for which Christ apprehended me." Philippians 3:12

Picture yourself standing within the entrance of an extremely long tunnel. Faith can see a small pinpoint of light at the further end, but not what is in the blackness of the walk towards the light. Now stand in that same spot blindfolded, you don't know what is ahead, and like faith, you don't know what is under your feet or on the walls. You just Trust God and move forward. You have come to the place of knowing that He is constantly with you, and that"your feet are ordered by the Lord." Psalms 37:23

May your journey take you through trusting in the Lord, walking in His light for a bright tomorrow.

A Fiery Flame for His Service [Hebrews 1:7]
Susan Storm Smith

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